Our Committees


Cherise Lakeside, Chair

Our Certifications Committee promotes the Construction Specification Institute’s certifications – CDT, CCCA, CCS, CCPR.  We primarily focus on the Construction Documents Technology (CDT) certification through a 10-week live online CDT Study Class held in the Spring and Fall of each year.

This committee also administers our CDT Scholarship Program for Emerging Professionals.  Help us strengthen and demonstrate our membership’s understanding of the entire

construction process.  We meet seasonally.  Cherise can tell you when/where.

Chapter Meetings

Maddie Carde, Chair

This Committee is responsible for producing interesting, entertaining programs monthly. They schedule, promote, retain venue and caterer, plan topics and speakers and organize the monthly Chapter meetings, except for months where a special CSI event occurs such as Golf or Industry Forum.

Programs committee meets monthly, typically on the third Wednesday of the month, check with the co-chairs for confirmation and location.

Emerging Professionals

Open Position, Chair

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Our committee advocates for professionals with less than 10 years’ experience in the industry as well as students in construction-related fields of study at all levels of education within the Chapter area.

We are responsible for working with other committees to make CSI events more EP friendly as well as plan specific EP events throughout the year.

Executive Committee

Comprised of Executive Members

This committee is composed of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. They meet quarterly to discuss the direction of the chapter, identify issues associated with chapter contracts, finances, or Institute requests and requirements, and then research possible solutions. These solutions are then brought before the full board for a vote.



Cherie McNabb, Chair

The Chapter has historically held a summertime golf tournament annually, with proceeds benefiting the Chapter scholarship program. The Golf tournament is typically a "scramble" style with teams/players up to 144. The Committee books players, gathers sponsors, arranges for raffle prizes, orders meals, handles registration and manages the event budget and event volunteers. If you like Golf and fund-raising for CSI educational opportunities, check in with the committee chair. We meet monthly in the Spring and Summer.

Industry Forum

Tony DiVincenzo, Chair

The Industry Forum Committee is responsible for all aspects of the Industry Forum event including venue, speaker(s), exhibitors, promotions, sponsorship, catering and AV. The event originally began as a Products Fair but has evolved to a 400+ attendee event that showcases an innovative keynote speaker in the design industry, 10-minute presentations on current topics related to the built industry, and product/service exhibition.

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI)

John Gallup, Chair

It is the mission of the J.E.D.I Committee to ensure the principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are represented in all aspects of CSI Portland, and for our chapter to serve as a welcome and respectful place for everyone, regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, religion, ability, or opinion.  We seek to inform and educate in order to better support underserved groups through outreach, connections, and open dialogue.

Learning & Libations

Mark Aasland, Chair

Our committee organizes, promotes and conducts the monthly Learning & Libations Series and Tours.  We thrive on delivering innovative, quality educational events to Portland’s design and construction community.  Do you have a yearning to help educate and inform others?  Contact our committee co-chairs with your thoughts.  We meet quarterly, check with your co-chairs for scheduling.


Jake LaManna and Melody Fontenot, Co-Chairs

The Outreach Committee is a collection of efforts with the dual aims of publicizing and memorializing the efforts of our membership and the volunteers who serve to make Portland CSI one of the most vibrant chapters in the entire country. This committee manages our social media postings, the portlandcsi.org website, The Predicator newsletter, and the pdxCSI YouTube channel. We also work toward membership retention and outreach efforts, including new member orientation, through the Portland CSI Advocates program.

We meet monthly, with subcommittees meeting more frequently as needed. If helping craft our image and shape our message to Portland and the rest of the nation are of interest to you, please reach out to our Co-Chairs. This is one of the most important committees for our Chapter, signed the Outreach Committee.

60th Anniversary

Maddie Carde, Chair

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This committee will spearhead the planning for celebrating the 60th Anniversary in 2020 - 2021, including but not limited to events, video memories, collecting historical items, then and now features, and one helluva anniversary party!